Emilee White
Emilee is the Director of Outreach at MORE.
Emilee is currently entering into her second year at MORE School of Revival and is delighted to be able to empower the saints in the commission of Jesus to go into all nations with the Good News. After graduating from high school in 2022, Emilee attended a Discipleship Training School through Youth With A Mission Maui. During her time at YWAM, the Lord radically moved her heart to disciple and bring the power of the Father’s love to all nations. Her love of the nations grew during her Outreach trip to SE Asia. After seeing God move overseas, Emilee came home with a renewed fire to see revival spread into all of the world.
Emilee’s heart is to see every person experience the transforming love of God that empowers them to step out in powerful ways for the Kingdom of Heaven. She longs to see those who once felt like they were on the “outskirts” to find their place in the Body of Christ. Her passions include hosting the King through worship, hospitality, and relational connection. To Him be the glory, forever and ever!