Lauren Stillinger
Lauren is a revival group pastor and the Director of Curriculum for MORE.
Her passion is leading people into their truest identity through prophetic encouragement, and reaching the nations with the deep love of Jesus Christ. Over the past 20 years, she has pursued training in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and engaged in short term missions work in Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru. A 2014 trip to Mexico City with a team from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry greatly fueled her fire for Jesus, prophetic ministry, and the nations. The trip planted a dream in Lauren and her husband, Chad, to start a school and lead mission trips from their hometown. When they moved to their Newberg, Oregon farmhouse in 2015, they began using their home as a launching point for revival and salvation through prayer and worship nights, Bible studies and missions trainings.
Over the past few years, Lauren has participated in BSSM online, and has become increasingly grateful for the leadership team in Redding, California. She is overjoyed at the opportunity to disciple others with experiences and curriculum that have been so personally significant as she helps to launch the MORE School of Revival in 2023.
Lauren is a stay at home mom for David (7), Oliver (4) and Camille (1). With a BA in International Business and Camp Administration and a M. Ed., she has worked as a camp director, bilingual elementary school teacher, and Spanish teacher. She loves nature, flowers, and the art of cultivating beauty in the home.