Mike Alpert
Mike is MORE’s Site Adminstrator and doer-of-random-things.
Having spent his formative years in Texas, Mike migrated to Oregon after college and has been a devoted lover of the Pacific Northwest ever since. Over the past twenty years, Mike has volunteered in churches both large and small, serving with youth groups, worship teams, mission teams, elder boards, and even site security (he has the t-shirt to prove it). He’s excited to play a supporting role in MORE ministries and honored to play his part in honoring the Father through this important work.
An entrepreneur and educator by trade, Mike has a BA in English from Texas A&M University, a Masters in Teaching from George Fox University, and an MBA from Portland State Unversity. He’s proud husband to Beth and loves his three sons dearly. In his spare time (ha!), Mike enjoys a good nap or a jog.