Year One Overview
Kingdom Identity
Being firmly established in the love of the Father is where personal and regional transformation begin. The year one journey is about fueling revival in your heart by experiencing more of God, and exploring the depths of His extravagant, fatherly love. As you learn to connect more fully to God’s heart and tune into His voice of truth, you become established in your identity as a child of God, receive equipping to banish fear and lies, and create thriving relationships. You become a revivalist, bringing the fullness of life Jesus paid for wherever you go.
Kingdom Identity
Fall Semester - “Identity with Abba”
Remove barriers to an intimate connection with Abba
Encounter God’s presence
Establish a firm identity in Christ
Practice hearing God’s voice
Move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Develop Kingdom mindsets
Engage with authentic community
Spring Semester - “Identity with Self & Others”
Understand personal significance in God’s Kingdom
Receive strategies for pushing back darkness and lies
Take hold of your inheritance as a child of God
Practice genuinely loving self and others
Engage with teaching and tools for thriving relationships
Curriculum Details
MORE School of Revival is very excited to use BSSM School Planting’s BSSM Equip platform, which is a fully online learning management system (much like Canvas or Blackboard) complete with over 700 proprietary videos and online assignments, including some of the best revivalist content available today, from Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Hayley Braun, Dawna DeSilva, and many others! This is supplemented with local preaching and other content from people such as Graham Cooke, Bible Project, and Saints’ Hill Church. Students will receive a certificate of completion at the year-end graduation ceremony.
Year One Textbooks
Summer (Before Starting in the Fall)
“Defining Moments” by Bill Johnson
Fall Semester
“The Love Awakening” by Leif Hetland
“Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry (Expanded Edition)” by Kris Vallotton
Christmas Break
“Strengthen Yourself in the Lord” by Bill Johnson
Spring Semester
“The Supernatural Ways of Royalty” by Kris Vallotton
“Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk